The most popular Hawaiian boy names
In this article you will find a comprehensive list of Hawaiian male baby names. It ranges from traditional Hawaiian baby boy names to modern Hawaiian baby boy names up to gender-neutral Hawaiian first names and the most popular Hawaiian first names for boys of the last 100 years.
Hawaiian boy names - thinking outside the box
Both famous and infamous, it can be said that the culinary creation of ham, cheese, canned pineapple and white bread is associated with both strong flavors and strong opinions. Obviously controversial, however, Hawaiian toast is definitely not the main attraction of this beautiful archipelago made up of 137 islands in the central Pacific Ocean. In fact, the combination of pineapple, ham and cheese is not even part of traditional Hawaiian food culture.
Deeply rooted in the Hawaiian culture due to various cultural, linguistic and traditional aspects, however, the choice of first names in Hawaii is. While its northern neighbors sometimes come up with arbitrary letter combinations, Hawaii's Hawaiian boy names are associated with careful consideration and deep meaning.
Traditional Hawaiian boy names
From literal names to poetic associations with nature, spirituality and family lineage - traditional Hawaiian boy names are by no means boring. Hawaiian parents often opt for a traditional name with positive qualities so that their newborn son can start his life full of blessings and hope. Fingers crossed from the start, so to speak. In the following list below you will find some traditional Hawaiian baby boy names and their meanings.
Name | Bedeutung |
Ikaika | Stark oder mächtig |
Kaimana | Kraft des Meeres oder Diamant |
Kainoa | Namensvetter oder Namen des Vaters |
Kale | Hawaiianische Form von "Charles," bedeutet freier Mann |
Kamaka | Das Auge oder Geliebter |
Kapono | Der Gerechte oder Güte |
Kekoa | Der Mutige oder Krieger |
Keanu | Kühle Brise |
Kai | Meer |
Koa | Tapfer oder Krieger |
Liko | Knospung oder neuer Wuchs |
Makoa | Mutig oder tapfer |
Mano | Hai oder leidenschaftlich |
Nakoa | Tapfer oder Krieger |
Noa | Freiheit oder Ruhe |
With their obvious connection to the land and culture, the above traditional Hawaiian boy names, thanks to their cultural significance and melodic sounds instantly lift your spirits. Is it just us, or do you feel like you're on a white beach now too?
Modern Hawaiian boy names
Changing the name of the game' definitely brings a familiar but fresh breeze to modern Hawaii with the current mix of ethnicities and cultures, even in naming. Although the older generations need not fear losing their heritage, many modern influences have also found their way into Hawaiian birth certificates in recent years. If you like, look here for Hawaiian girl names over here. Below are some modern Hawaiian boy names and their meanings.
Name | Bedeutung |
Alohi | Glanz oder Helligkeit |
Aolani | Himmelshöhe oder Himmel über den Wolken |
Eli | Mein Gott ist Jahwe |
Ikaika | Stark oder mächtig |
Kainoa | Name des Vaters oder Namensvetter |
Kalani | Himmel oder Himmelsmann |
Kaleo | Die Stimme |
Koa | Tapfer oder Krieger |
Lani | Himmel oder Himmlisch |
Makana | Geschenk oder Geschenk des Himmels |
Makoa | Tapfer oder stark |
Nalu | Welle |
Olu | Sanft oder angenehm |
For those who are particularly observant today, it is true that many Hawaiian boy names consist of the same letters. A small alphabet (only 13 letters!), but big meanings all around - whether traditional or modern.
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Gender-neutral Hawaiian first names
Did we mention that meaning plays a very important role in Hawaiian naming? No? Well, that's also the reason why many Hawaiian boy names are gender-neutral and can also be used for girls. Many parents place more importance on names being based on personal characteristics, traits or circumstances rather than strictly adhering to gender norms. So fluidity and flexibility don't just seem to be key with Hawaiian waves. In the following list you will find more gender-neutral Hawaiian namesbut the traditional and modern names listed above can all be used as well.
Name | Bedeutung |
Ailani | Hoher Häuptling |
Kai | Meer oder Ozean |
Kalani | Der Himmel oder himmlisch |
Keanu | Die kühle Brise |
Koa | Krieger |
Leilani | Himmlische Blume |
Makana | Geschenk |
Mālama | Pflege oder Schutz |
Nalani | Der Himmel |
Noelani | Himmelsnebel |
While some countries used to exclusively use gender-specific names and have only recently introduced more gender-neutral names, the opposite seems to be the case in Hawaii. After decades of names were given without reference to a specific gendermany Hawaiian parents have recently adopted gender norms in naming. Nevertheless gender-neutral Hawaiian names are still very common.
Most popular Hawaiian boy names of the last 100 years
Riding the waves of time of historical, economic, cultural and environmental change, the last century in Hawaii is as rich as the meanings and melodic pronunciations of their boy names. The most popular Hawaiian boy names of the last 100 years are listed below.
Name | Bedeutung |
Akamai | Schlau oder klug |
Aulani | Himmel oder Himmelshöhe |
Eli | Mein Gott ist Jahwe |
Haiko | Wellen |
Hale | Haus oder Heim |
Hoku | Stern |
Ikaika | Stark oder mächtig |
Kainoa | Name des Vaters oder Namensvetter |
Kalani | Himmel oder Himmelsmann |
Kaleo | Die Stimme |
Kaimana | Kraft des Meeres oder Diamant |
Kai | Meer |
Kekoa | Der Mutige oder Krieger |
Koa | Tapfer oder Krieger |
Koaia | Krieger oder stark |
Kolea | Goldregen oder geflügeltes Wesen |
Kolohe | Schalkhaft oder Frech |
Kono | Huldigung oder Ehrung |
Lani | Himmel oder Himmlisch |
Liko | Knospung oder neuer Wuchs |
Makana | Geschenk oder Geschenk des Himmels |
Makoa | Mutig oder stark |
Mano | Hai oder leidenschaftlich |
Nakoa | Tapfer oder Krieger |
Noa | Freiheit oder Ruhe |
Pili | Nahe oder verbunden |
Ulu | Wachstum oder Frucht |
Although some would argue that Hawaii isn't necessarily spoiled for name choices due to the size of its alphabet, the list above shows that the diversity of Hawaiian boy names is as vast as the archipelago's many different islands.

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Our top 100 Hawaiian boys' and men's names and their meanings
If you haven't liked any of our Hawaiian boys' and men's names so far, we have 100 more Hawaiian male baby names and their meanings for you.
Name | Bedeutung |
Ailani | Hoher Häuptling |
Akela | Edel |
Akamu | Aus Erde erschaffen |
Akoni | Unschätzbar |
Alaka'i | Führer |
Alika | Beschützer der Menschen |
Aloha | Liebe, Mitgefühl |
Anakoni | Krieger |
Ano | Stille |
Apona | Gut aussehend |
Aulii | Anmutig, fein |
Eha | Vier |
Ekewaka | Friedensstifter |
Ehu | Rotbraun |
Elikapeka | Elizabeth |
Haikili | Donnergott |
Hanalei | Kranzförmiges Tal |
Hani | Fröhlich |
Hau | Schnee |
Hiapo | Erstgeborener |
Hoku | Stern |
Ikaika | Stark |
Iokua | Joshua |
Iolani | Himmlischer Falke |
Kaimana | Kraft des Meeres |
Kainalu | Meereswelle |
Kainoa | Seemann |
Kale | Mann |
Kalei | Blumengirlande |
Kamaile | Geliebtes Kind |
Kamea | Der Eine |
Kamaka | Das Auge |
Kanoa | Der Freie |
Kapono | Der Rechtschaffene |
Kawena | Die Röte des Himmels |
Kawika | David |
Keahi | Das Feuer |
Kealoha | Die Liebe |
Keanu | Kühle Brise |
Keiki | Kind |
Keilani | Himmlische Blume |
Kelena | Die Reine |
Kekoa | Der Tapfere |
Kimo | Der die Ferse ergreift |
Koa | Krieger, mutig |
Kona | Leeseite |
Lahaina | Grausame Sonne |
Lani | Himmel |
Lanikai | Himmlisches Meer |
Leilani | Himmlische Blume |
Lilinoe | Feiner Nebel |
Liko | Knospe |
Lolo | Königin |
Makai | Zum Meer hin |
Makana | Geschenk |
Maluhia | Ruhe, Frieden |
Mano | Hai |
Malu | Schutz, Frieden |
Mele | Lied |
Melia | Honig |
Moana | Ozean |
Nainoa | Seefahrer |
Nalani | Die Himmel |
Nani | Schön |
Noelani | Himmlischer Nebel |
Nohea | Reizend |
Nui | Groß, wichtig |
Oliana | Oleander |
Olina | Freudvoll |
Oni | Klang |
Okelani | Vom Himmel |
Palani | Freier Himmel |
Pika | Fels |
Pono | Rechtschaffen |
Puamana | Duftende Bergblume |
Roselani | Himmlische Rose |
Tani | Glänzend |
Toma | Thomas |
Ulu | Wachsen |
Umi | Zehn |
Waiola | Wasser des Lebens |
Wailana | Ruhiges Wasser |
Emalia | Emily |
Haunani | Schöner Schnee |
Hiwalani | Himmlischer Stern |
Iwalani | Himmlischer Reiher |
Kahiau | Großzügig |
Kaili | Zart |
Kalama | Die Fackel |
Kawailani | Himmlisches Wasser |
Keala | Der Weg |
Keani | Sanfter Wind |
Kei | Geliebtes Kind |
Kini | Viele |
Laka | Zahm |
Conclusion on Hawaiian boy names
"Aloha," the spirit of love, harmony and compassion, is arguably the most recognizable Hawaiian word and also embodies the way names are given in Hawaii. Rooted in cultural significance, Hawaiian boy names carry with them decades of tradition, sentimental values and respect for the environment.
As in any country or state, times are changing in Hawaii - and with them, an increasingly international approach to lifestyle and naming. We at Lottili are curious to see what Hawaiian names await us in the near future and whether Currywurst Hawaii will also make an appearance at some point.