Die beliebtesten schwedischen Jungennamen

The most popular Swedish boy names

In this article you will find a extensive list of Swedish male baby names. It ranges from traditional Swedish boy names to more modern Swedish boy names up to common Swedish boy names and the most popular first names for boys in Sweden over the last 100 years. 

Swedish boy names - sounds like a plant

With around 10.5 million inhabitants and over 28 billion trees Sweden's extensive forests are a defining feature. Around 70% of Sweden's land area is forested, making it one of the most densely forested countries in Europe. This almost suggeststhat you can't see the wood for the trees, but it could also mean that you can't see the forest for the trees, that the country is better at botanical names than Swedish boy names.

In this article, we will look at these Swedish boy nameswhich have their roots (pun intended) in both nature conservation and a long history dating back to the Viking Age. But in a country where innovation is as natural as growing trees, the modern Swedish boy names have also caught on in society.

Traditional Swedish boy names

As deep as the country's many lakes (100,000!), traditional Swedish boys' names are anything but superficial. The following list offers a rich mix of historical influences, including Norse mythology, early Christian saints and Germanic tradition, and highlights some of these traditional Swedish boy names and their respective meanings. and their respective meanings.

Name Bedeutung
Carlfreier Mann
Erikewiger Herrscher
Fredrikfriedlicher Herrscher
GustavStab der Götter
HansGott ist gnädig
JohanGott ist gnädig
Larsmit Lorbeer gekrönt
NilsSieg des Volkes
RagnarRichter oder Berater
Svenjunger Mann
ValdemarHerrscher des Volkes

Viking Age or not, the traditional Swedish boy names listed above definitely convey the feeling that no mountain too high and no river too wide is too wide. Sorry for the catchy tune.

Modern Swedish boy names

Of course, nature isn't all that Sweden is famous for. With a reputation for 'Swedish design' that makes the hearts of creative people beat faster and blue and yellow buildings springing up everywhere, Sweden is undoubtedly a pioneer in innovation. Below you'll find some modern and creative Swedish boy names and their meanings.

Name Bedeutung
FelixGlücklich oder erfolgreich
HugoVerstand oder Intelligenz
IsakEr wird lachen
JensGott ist gnädig
LiamStarker Wille
NoahRuhe oder Frieden
OskarGottes Speer oder Gottes Schutz
SimonDer Hörende
Sirius(Nach dem hellsten Stern benannt)
ViggoKampf oder Krieg
WilhelmWille und Helm
ZanderBeschützer der Menschheit

If we use the list of modern Swedish boy names with a name that has a botanical reference, it may not prove our point above. The fact is, however, that Sweden increasingly adopting modern approaches to naming for its young offspring.

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Common Swedish boy names

Whether in the morning, in the afternoon or at the weekend during fika (the typical Swedish coffee break) - the following are the most common Swedish boy names are listed belowthat you will hear as you make the rounds with a cup or two of coffee and a snack.

Name Bedeutung
AlexanderBeschützer der Menschheit
EliasMein Gott ist Jahwe
ErikEwiger Herrscher oder Immer mächtig
FreddieFriedlicher Herrscher
JakobFersenhalter oder Überlister
JohanGott ist gnädig
LiamStarker Wille
LucasLicht oder der Helle
MaxDer Größte
NoahRuhe oder Frieden
OscarGottes Speer oder Gottes Schutz
SebastianEhrwürdig oder Verehrungswürdig
SimonDer Hörende

The common Swedish boy names listed abovelisted above, still with deeper meanings, will certainly not leave parents thirsting for additional depth when choosing a name.

Most popular Swedish boy names of the last 100 years

It's not even 100 years since the Swedish band ABBA won the Eurovision Song Festival with their famous song "Waterloo". But so much has happened in Sweden since then. From social, political and economic reforms to the most popular Swedish boys' names of the last century - the country has seen as many developments as the boys' names themselves.

Name Bedeutung
Adriander aus Adria stammende
Alexanderder Beschützer der Menschen
Andersder Männliche, Tapfere
Antonder Unschätzbare
Arvidder Adlerbaum
Carlder Freie Mann
DanielGott ist mein Richter
Davidder Geliebte
Edvinder reiche Freund
Erikder Alleinherrschende
Fredrikder Friedliche Herrscher
GabrielGott ist mein Held
Gustavder Stab des Götten
Henrikder Herrscher des Hauses
Jacobder Fersenhalter
JohanGott ist gnädig
JoelDer Herr ist Gott
Karlder Freie Mann
Larsder Lorbeerbekränzte
Leonder Löwe
Lukasder Lichtbringende
Magnusder Große
Marcusder Mann des Mars
Martinder Krieger
MikaelWer ist wie Gott?
Nilsder Sieger
Noahder Ruhige
OskarGottes Speer
Pärder Fels
Perder Fels
Ragnarder Rat des Kriegers
Samuelder von Gott Erhörte
Svender Junge
Tomasder Zwilling
Ulfder Wolf
Victorder Sieger
Wilhelmder entschlossene Beschützer
Williamder entschlossene Beschützer

While some of the of the Swedish boy's names mentioned above have clearly already been influenced by international others might be more difficult for foreigners to pronounce. Ah, the marks of time. 

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Our top 100 Swedish boy names

If you haven't liked any of our Swedish boy names so far, we have 100 more Swedish male baby names and their meanings for you.

Name Bedeutung
AdrianDer aus der Stadt Adria
AkselVater des Friedens
Albinder Weiße
AlfElfen oder Zwerge
Algotder Alte, der Weise
AlvarElf, Naturgeist
AnderssonSohn des Anders
Antonder Unschätzbare
AreAdler, Herrscher
Axelder Vater des Friedens
Bastiander Ehrwürdige
Bertilder Glanzvolle
BengtDer Gesegnete
Boder Lebendige
Börjeder Helfer, der Beschützer
Callefreier Mann
Carlfreier Mann
Caspianvon der See
DagDer Tag
DanGott ist mein Richter
Edvinreicher Freund
Einaralleiniger Kämpfer
Elmerder Edle
Eliasmein Gott ist Jahwe
ErikAlle herrschend
FinnDer Blonde
Fredrikfriedlicher Herrscher
FreyGott des Wetters
Frodeder Weise
GabrielGott ist mein Held
Gerddie Beschützerin
Gorander Krieger
GustafStab der Götter
GustavStab der Götter
Håkanhoher Herrscher
HansGott ist gnädig
HermanKrieger, Mann des Heeres
Hugointelligenter Geist
Ingmarberühmter Krieger
Isaker wird lachen
JohanGott ist gnädig
Kallefreier Mann
KjellKessel, Helm
Larsmit Lorbeer gekrönt
LeifNachkomme, Erbe
Lennartstarker Löwe
Lennoxdie Olivenhaine
Ludvigberühmter Kämpfer
Mariusder Krieger
MikaelWer ist wie Gott?
NiklasSieger des Volkes
NilsSieg des Volkes
Olleder Erbe
OttoDer Reiche, Der Besitzende
Pärder Fels
Pontusder Brückenbauer
RagnarRichter oder Berater
Rolfberühmter Wolf
SanderBeschützer der Menschheit
SigurdSiegreicher Wächter
Sigvardsiegreicher Wächter
Stellander Stille
Svenjunger Mann
TorkelThor's Opfer
TorbenBär des Thor
TureThor's Krieger
ValdemarHerrscher des Volkes
Vernerder Beschützer

Conclusion on Swedish boy names

LagomThe Swedish word for "just right" - not too much and not too little - aptly illustrates this, how Swedish boys' names are chosensimple, meaningful and without exaggeration, but always with a practical touch. 

This no-nonsense approach to naming makes us at Lottili curious to see which new Swedish boy names will make their way out of the forest in the near future.

If you want to take the time to look at all the most popular Swedish names, we're happy to provide you with a table of the most popular Swedish names from 1988 to 2021. Simply download the list of Swedish names from Statistics Sweden.


Statistics Sweden

Frequently asked questions about Swedish names for men and boys

Here are some more answers to questions you might be interested in on this topic

How do Swedish boy names differ from those in other Scandinavian countries?

Swedish names are often similar to those from other Scandinavian countries, such as Norway and Denmark, but have unique regional differences. Some names are popular in Sweden, while they are less common in other Scandinavian countries, and vice versa.

Are there any special rules or trends in naming in Sweden?

There are no specific legal rules on naming in Sweden, but there are cultural trends. For example, traditional names are often complemented by modern names, and there is a trend towards international names that are easier to pronounce.

Are there regional differences in Swedish boys' names?

Yes, there are regional differences in Sweden, with certain names being more popular in different parts of the country. This can be influenced by historical, cultural and linguistic factors.

Are there any Swedish boy names that originate in the Bible or Swedish literature?

Yes, there are Swedish boy names that appear both in the Bible and in Swedish literature. Here are some examples:

Swedish boy names with biblical origins:

Elijah - A name that appears in the Bible and means "My God is Yahweh".

Noah - A biblical name meaning "rest" or "peace".

Jacob - A name from the Bible that means "heel-holder" or "overlister".

David - Biblical origin, meaning "beloved".

Samuel - Means "the one heard by God".

Swedish boy's names from Swedish literature:

Lasse - Known from Astrid Lindgren's children's book "We children from Bullerbü".

Michel - The protagonist from "Michel from Lönneberga", also by Astrid Lindgren.

Pippi - Known for Pippi Longstocking, a character created by Astrid Lindgren (although Pippi is more of a girl's name, she is an iconic character in Swedish literature).

Kalle - A common short form for Karl, also used in many Swedish stories.

Many Swedish boys' names have their roots in Nordic mythology or biblical tradition. These names are not only popular in Sweden, but are also used in other Scandinavian countries and enjoy international popularity.

What are the trends in Swedish girls' names?

In recent years, some names that used to be popular, such as Astrid and Annika, have declined somewhat. However, newer names such as Freja and Maja are enjoying great popularity. There is also a trend towards short and concise names

What are the characteristics of Swedish boys' names?

Swedish boys' names are often characterized by short, concise forms. Many end in vowels such as -e, -a or -o, which gives them a melodic sound. Traditionally, many names have references to nature, virtues or Nordic mythology.

Are there any Swedish boys' names that refer to historical figures?

Names from Norse mythology

Oden - Swedish form of Odin, the highest god in Norse mythology

Frey - Norse god of the weather

Names of kings and rulers

Erik - Means "the sole ruler" and was the name of several Swedish kings

Charles - Means 'the (free) man' and was the name of several Swedish kings, including Charles XII.

Gustav - Means "staff of the gods" and was the name of several Swedish kings, including Gustav II Adolf

Valdemar - Means "ruler of the people" and was the name of a Swedish king in the 13th century

Names of saints

Lars - Means "the laurel-wreathed" and is the Swedish form of Laurentius, a Christian martyr and saint

Olof - Means "heirloom" and was the name of several Swedish kings, including Olof Skötkonung, the first Christian king of Sweden

Many of these names have their roots in Norse mythology, the Bible or Swedish history and tradition. They link Swedish naming with the country's rich past.

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